With Spiritual Master and Author
Master Del Pe
Rapidly achieve Enlightenment
in this lifetime!
Take home teachings that lead you to a quantum leap of consciousness.
Retreats are available in English, Italian and Spanish.

Hours of Curriculum
Months Mentoring Program!
Master Del Pe has created this comprehensive program to spiritually initiate participants into finding their highest path in life. After immersion in this program, they will experience an awakening of and connection to their soul resulting in a spiritual alchemy. Any serious seeker on the higher path will find this enlightenment process not only a blessing, but an experience worth living for.
Many people around the world waste their time doing meditation, yoga and spiritual rituals in the hope that they will one day become enlightened. This is a myth that needs to be rectified. In order to awaken one’s soul and nurture the ego, life mentoring is required. This approach avoids old-fashioned, trial-and-error methods that waste a lot of the seeker’s time, resources, and opportunities to get enlightened and make a big difference to society.
Master Del Pe has created this comprehensive program to spiritually initiate participants into finding their highest path in life. After immersion in this program, they will experience an awakening of and connection to their soul resulting in a spiritual alchemy. Any serious seeker on the higher path will find this enlightenment process not only a blessing, but an experience worth living for.
Many people around the world waste their time doing meditation, yoga and spiritual rituals in the hope that they will one day become enlightened. This is a myth that needs to be rectified. In order to awaken one’s soul and nurture the ego, life mentoring is required. This approach avoids old-fashioned, trial-and-error methods that waste a lot of the seeker’s time, resources, and opportunities to get enlightened and make a big difference to society.
70+ Hours of Curriculum
3+ Months Mentoring Program

"The progressive increase of awareness about the purpose of life, brought by the awakening of various levels of intelligences, measures the degree of enlightenment."
- Master Del Pe
Level 1 Curriculum
Rule 1: Be Enlightened to get Enlightened
How can one be enlightened first to be able to understand the path of enlightenment? Using the wisdom of the ages, aspirants on the path of enlightenment should learn the requirements and understand the difficulties of the serious path called "Enlightenment". The requirements and guidelines needed to begin this path are explained here.
They include:
What is enlightenment?
Who needs enlightenment?
How does enlightenment work?
Why do we need enlightenment?
How can we achieve enlightenment?
BEwell Science, Basic
Divine Alchemy, Level 1
Divine Alchemy is one of the most advanced requirements for all initiation levels. In this program you will:
Study the esoteric and exoteric functions of the 15 major chakras (energy centers)
Learn about their roles in higher development and initiation
Awaken and activate their spiritual functions through alchemy
Use mantras to re-engineer them into the New Divine Design
Heal your past, transform your present and empower your future. Learn to heal yourself and your family, unblock your life, overcome stress and rejuvenate yourself, sleep better, reverse your aging process, harmonize and balance your life.
Rule 2: Know Thyself: E-SWOT Analysis
This Enlightenment SWOT analysis helps participants to establish measurable landmarks on the path of enlightenment. This inventory will help evaluate the Strengths and Opportunities available for their enlightenment. It opens the mind to look at yourself differently and in a new direction. It can also help you to increase your productivity so that you perform beyond your expectations.
Level 2 Curriculum
Rule 3: Balance Material Success and Spiritual Life
You can fly high with 2 great wings - material and spiritual success. Wise use of resources, under the just and equitable guidance of the enlightened will distribute wealth to all deserving people and projects. These wealthy and enlightened leaders will help fund global missions and the work of new saints and spiritual teachers. We begin by being the balanced, enlightened human beings the world needs to see.
Rule 4: Don't Expect Enlightenment to be Magic
If you ever decide to work hard and apply yourself fully, choose the spiritual path because it will produce a more permanent gain that will stay with you into your next life or hereafter. Superior lighting requires constant effort at any time. The wonderful thing is that with a systematic curriculum and high impact global service through a spiritual teacher's group, the acceleration to will bypass many lifetimes of research and experimentation in enlightenment.
Rule 5: Don't Work for Enlightenment: Let Enlightenment Work for You
Use your enlightenment gains as a lubricant for your goals and mission in life. Work diligently to develop a certain level of wisdom, discrimination, and creative power to produce results super fast. One needs a life with less karma, less distraction and less self sabotage to be able to achieve a flawless result. Pursue character building to become more aligned with your Soul. You can then enjoy the results and have a guaranteed victory.
Rule 6: Understand and Apply the Law of Karma in your Favor
Learn the law of karma, its rules and ramifications. The best thing to do is to let go and learn the lesson well, so as to become wiser. Learn to make karma work in your favor. Apply it in your favor daily.
Divine Alchemy, Level 2
In this program, you will learn esoteric strategies to transform and transmute yourself into a world class spiritual disciple. You will:
Study the deeper aspects of the science of transformation and transmutation for initiation
Awaken 13 pairs chakral pairs and enhance their dharmic functions for advanced character building
Learn how to clean the chakras, kundalini and sushumna with advanced breathing methods, divine light and other esoteric techniques
Experiment with soul energy to transform and strengthen the personality faster through alchemy
About the Retreat
The retreat in-person is an accelerated advanced training at the MDP village in the Philippines. During this time, you are inside a protected environment, fully immersed in positive energy to safely develop and awaken your Third Eye. The program will be condensed into three months, and the retreat seeks to enable participants to learn and implement the teachings for the greater good without having to spend years and lifetimes searching for enlightenment.
Taking this opportunity is a great way to learn and grow quickly while being immersed in a supportive community of like-minded, like-hearted, like-souled individuals. This environment allows for personal and spiritual growth, as well as the opportunity to connect with people who will support and guide you as you progress. If this resonates with you, then the logistical details such as date and time are just minor considerations in comparison.
If joining in person is not possible at this time, you can also join online if you are joining Level 1.
The daily curriculum is for a full day.
For those in-person, the day usually starts early with martial arts, physical exercises and outdoor meditation. Then the participants join the workshops, have breaks and activities in between, do community handyworks, marksmanship training, nature trips, local market visits, experience live pep talks with Master Del Pe, enjoy singing, dancing, and entertainment during dinners and have facilitations or healings at the end of the day. We usually celebrate the opening, closing and graduation with lively parties.
For online, there is a daily program that the participants follow as well and they join the in-person group during the opening. facilitations, healing, networking, graduation and closing sessions.
The Third Eye does not mean clairvoyance or psychic faculties. The Third Eye is superior to psychic faculties. A psychic's perception can be negatively affected if the seer’s own chakras or auras are dirty or if they are working in an energetically contaminated location. When this happens, the perceived data will be inaccurate or negatively tainted. It is like looking through warped glass or a dirty window; the real landscape won’t be perceived properly. Psychics can also be biased according to their culture, religion or training.
With Third Eye use, there are fewer chances of misinterpretation of data, especially by those who are esoterically-trained because the Third Eye is a more sophisticated technology than just using chakras or auras, which can be contaminated by the environment or the seer’s own issues.
Many people think it is located in the Ajna chakra or energy center (in between the eyebrows), but in reality, the Third Eye is not a physical organ but rather a combination of energy centers and internal energy within our body. It is associated with many fuels and capacities that hold secrets yet to be discovered.
Monthly group coaching and spiritual mentoring ensures graduates are executing their weekly routines properly. Spiritual Mentoring also provides healing support because sometimes practitioners find adjustments following Intermediate Level 1 training can trigger the release of discomforts. People do not have to deal with this process alone.
In addition to monthly meetings, graduates of the Mastering Your Third Eye Programs are blessed by Master Del Pe as well as their Spiritual Mentors, to facilitate their growth and to help them sustain their momentum. As in any growth curve, the first few months of adaptation are most critical. Mentoring supports the apprentice as they gain spiritual self-confidence and initiative.
After the initial three months of mentoring, the program doesn't just come to an end. We will have augmentation facilitation sessions and we will handhold you to mentor you through the process until you're able to stabilize, internalize and utilize these techniques. Make them functional in your day-to-day life and grow positively.
The ongoing support, engagement, and access to healing resources aim to ensure that you can apply what you've learned, continue your growth, and contribute positively to the community. It's not just a program; it's an ongoing journey of growth and connection with the community of individuals who understand and support each other.
Yes! The sessions are in English and translation is available in Spanish and Italian.
What our Enlightened Life Retreat graduates say

Master Del Pe is internationally known as the guru who wears many hats. His background is very diverse and rich with the alchemy of the best of the eastern wisdom and western knowledge. Considered as a modern sage by his students around the world, and a life mentor to CEOs, corporations, world leaders and governments, Master Del Pe has dedicated his life to training students globally on spirituality, Balanced-Life strategies and leadership through wisdom.

Bonus learning resources to support your Enlightened-Life journey!
Master Del Pe's 12 Rules to Achieve Enlightenment e-book is included when you enroll! Master Del assembled the '12 Rules to Achieve Enlightenment' as a guiding philosophy, spiritual compass and map, to help seekers navigate the vast ocean of karmic possibilities. The book is structured like a vault full of spiritual treasures and pearls of wisdom which have been collected from 6 decades of Master Del Pe's personal experience, as he was traversing the rough seas of his own spiritual journey.
Bonus learning resources to support your Enlightened-Life journey!
Level 2 Curriculum
Rule 3: Balance Material Success and Spiritual Life
You can fly high with 2 great wings - material and spiritual success. Wise use of resources, under the just and equitable guidance of the enlightened will distribute wealth to all deserving people and projects. These wealthy and enlightened leaders will help fund global missions and the work of new saints and spiritual teachers. We begin by being the balanced, enlightened human beings the world needs to see.
Rule 4: Don't Expect Enlightenment to be Magic
If you ever decide to work hard and apply yourself fully, choose the spiritual path because it will produce a more permanent gain that will stay with you into your next life or hereafter. Superior lighting requires constant effort at any time. The wonderful thing is that with a systematic curriculum and high impact global service through a spiritual teacher's group, the acceleration to will bypass many lifetimes of research and experimentation in enlightenment.
Rule 5: Don't Work for Enlightenment: Let Enlightenment Work for You
Use your enlightenment gains as a lubricant for your goals and mission in life. Work diligently to develop a certain level of wisdom, discrimination, and creative power to produce results super fast. One needs a life with less karma, less distraction and less self sabotage to be able to achieve a flawless result. Pursue character building to become more aligned with your Soul. You can then enjoy the results and have a guaranteed victory.
Rule 6: Understand and Apply the Law of Karma in your Favor
Learn the law of karma, its rules and ramifications. The best thing to do is to let go and learn the lesson well, so as to become wiser. Learn to make karma work in your favor. Apply it in your favor daily.
Divine Alchemy, Level 2
In this program, you will learn esoteric strategies to transform and transmute yourself into a world class spiritual disciple. You will:
Study the deeper aspects of the science of transformation and transmutation for initiation
Awaken 13 pairs chakral pairs and enhance their dharmic functions for advanced character building
Learn how to clean the chakras, kundalini and sushumna with advanced breathing methods, divine light and other esoteric techniques
Experiment with soul energy to transform and strengthen the personality faster through alchemy

Master Del Pe is internationally known as the guru who wears many hats. His background is very diverse and rich with the alchemy of the best of the eastern wisdom and western knowledge. Considered as a modern sage by his students around the world, and a life mentor to CEOs, corporations, world leaders and governments, Master Del Pe has dedicated his life to training students globally on spirituality, Balanced-Life strategies and leadership through wisdom.